采用RAPD和SSRP—PCR技术分析雏蝗属(Chorthippus Fieber)白纹雏蝗(C.albonemus Cheng et Tu)、夏氏雏蝗(C.hsiai Cheng et Tu)、小翅雏蝗(C.fallax(Zub.))和北方雏蝗(C.hammarstroemi(Mir.))的遗传关系,9条引物对98头个体产生131条清晰、稳定的谱带.Shannon信息指数表明,小翅雏蝗遗传多样性水平较高(0.2542),白纹雏蝗遗传多样性水平较低(0.1911).Nei’s遗传距离显示,种群间遗传距离小于种间遗传距离.用NJ法对Nei’s遗传距离作聚类分析,构建分子系统树,结果显示:白纹雏蝗与夏氏雏蝗聚为一支,小翅雏蝗与北方雏蝗聚为一支,两支再相聚.聚类图所显示的种间亲缘关系的远近程度与形态分类学结果相一致,说明RAPD和SSRP—PCR技术在雏蝗属种间分子系统学研究中具有很好的适用性.
The molecular phylogenetic relationships among four species of Chorthippus Fieber including C. albonemus Cheng et Tu, C. hsiai Cheng et Tu, C. fallax(Zub. )and C. hammarstroemi (Mir.)were studied by RAPD and SSRP-PCR. 131 clear and stable bands of 98 grasshopper individuals with molecular weight ranging from 250 bp to 1800 bp revealed on the electropherogram amplified by 9 primers. Shannon's index showed highter genetic diversity (0. 254 2) within C. fallax and lower genetic diversity (0. 191 1) within C. albonemus. The dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distance of RAPD and SSRP-PCR markers was constructed with Neighbor-Joining method. The clustering followed the order of,first the individuals within a population, then the different population of the same species, later the species of the same subgenus ,and finally the species of the same genus. The four species fell into 2 branches,C, albonemus and C. hsiai were clustered into one branch,while C. fallax and C. hammarstroemi were grouped to another branch. Then two branches were clustered. The results of dendrogram were consistent with the previous conclusion of morphologic classification,and suggested RAPD and SSRP-PCR were suitable for analysis of phylogenetic relationships among species of Chorthippus.