Superluminescent light emitting diode is a semiconductor light source whose high performance is between those of laser diode and light emitting diode. No-uniform well-thickness multi-quantum wells (MQWs) materials were adopted to widen the output spectrum of superlumineseent diodes (SLDs). The 850 nm high-power, low-beam divergence superluminescent diodes with large optical cavity structure have been fabricated by optimizing waveguide structure. By adopting ridge waveguide unpumped absorbing region structure and by antireflection (AR) coating technology, the superluminescent diodes were fabricated. The spectral halfwidth (FWHM) of over 26 nm, continuous wave (CW) output power of over 7 mW have been achieved at operating current of 140 mA. The vertical beam divergence angle is 28° and horizontal angle is 10~. The pigtail output power of single mode polarization maintaining fiber reached 1.5 mW due to lower vertical beam divergence.