为了提高时栅位移传感器的动态性能及测量精度,提出了一种基于FPGA和二维细分技术的时栅位移传感器信号处理系统;利用二维细分技术对插补脉冲进行倍频处理,降低了对插补脉冲频率的要求,通过倍频后的高频脉冲插补时栅感应信号和参考信号之间的相位差完成了时栅角位移的测量,提高测量精度;该系统在FPGA内基于NiosⅡ软核完成数据的采集和处理,简化了系统,并加入自定义指令提高了数据处理效率;实验表明,采用该系统后,时栅位移传感器在960 MHz插补脉冲下测量误差峰峰值为士1.3",实现了时栅的高精度角位移测量.
In order to improve the time grating displacement sensor singnal processing system stability and processing speed, A signal processing system of time grating based on digtial subdivision technology is proposed. Interpolation pulse is frequency doubling processing by two--dimensional subdivision technology~ reduced interpolation pulse frequency. Through the doubled frequency of high frequency pulse in- terpolation completed the measured the phase dector between reference signal and induction signal , coarse and fine measurements, In the FPGA chip inside based on Nios II technology completed the function of date acquisition and processing, simplifies the system, and add a custom command to improve the effciency of data processing. It demonstrated that the error is ±1.3″, when the time grating measurement is worked under the 960 MHz interpolation pulse. High precision measurement of grating signals is realized.