提出一种计及网络安全约束及用户停电损失的动态经济调度模型,并给出相应的求解方法。该模型将非事故运行状态下机组的输出功率、预想事故(包括发、输电元件故障)发生后机组再调度的输出功率以及必要的切负荷功率作为独立变量进行决策,调度目标为系统的发电成本期望与用户的停电损失期望之和最小。模型采用发电联合转移因子(GJSDF)确定各支路潮流,并通过对支路潮流的限制保证了调度与再调度方案均可满足系统的网络安全约束。所构成的模型为二次规划问题,文中采用原对偶内点法进行求解。为解决多时段多状态所带来的计算规模庞大的问题,求解过程中充分利用了各调度时段间、各事故运行状态与非事故运行状态间的弱耦合性,首先采用时段间解耦的必要条件对前瞻时段数进行缩减,然后针对原对偶内点法KKT条件形成的牛顿修正方程的特殊分块形式进行分解计算,有效地提高了模型的求解效率。通过对IEEE 30节点系统的测试,表明该方法是有效的。
A novel dynamic economic dispatch model considering network security constraints and customer interruption costs is proposed, and its corresponding algorithm is given. In the proposed model, the outputs of generators in the non-fault operation and fault operation (including stochastic generation and transmission component faults) states, and the necessary load shedding are treated as independent variables for decision. The optimization objective is the minimum of generation costs and customer interruption costs. Generation jointly shift distribution factor (GJSDF) is used here to calculate the power flow through transmission lines, by limiting the transmitted power in branches ensures the dispatch and re-dispatch results to meet network security constraints. The constructed model is formed as a quadratic programming mode[, and primal-dual interior point method is used to solve this mode[. To treat with the large-scale problem including multi-periods and multi-states variables and constraints, the optimizing process makes full use of the weak coupling between different time intervals and between the non- fault and fault operation states. Decomposed necessary condition for time intervals was used to reduce the number of forward- looking time intervals. Subsequently, a Newton correction equation is formed from special form of primal-dual interior point method KKT conditions. A decomposed calculation method was derived to solve this Newton correction equation to improve its computational efficiency. Case study on the IEEE 30-bus system demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed model and algorithm