The main components of "zhu ( 壴) in oracle-bone inscriptions like ox horn and drum. It's the portraiture of smearing blood on drum. The ox horn was replaced by other ornament as the function of the drum extended into other fields especially the popularity of the entertainment function. There is a close relationship between the music and the characters with "qi (豈)" radical in Shuowenjiezi (《说文解字》. In fact, they developed from drumbeat. So "qi (豈 )" is same with "zhu ( 壴 )" in early. The characters with "zhu ( 壴 )" radical and "gu ( 鼓 )" in Shuowenjiezi (《说文解字》) can be divided into three kinds mainly according to the interpretation: the type of drum, the sound and the action of striking. In addition, "gu (鼓)" "xi (喜)" and "li (豊)" have a close relationship with drum, their radical is "zhu (壴)".