责任式创新是近年来欧美国家提出的一种全新的发展理念,旨在协调科学技术发展与社会福祉之间的关系。使用1990-2015年Web of Science数据库相关数据,通过Citespace Ⅲ、Bibexcel和Ucinet6等软件绘制知识图谱,结合部分施引文献和被引文献信息,得到国际责任式创新领域的主要研究力量、研究热点、研究前沿及对应的知识基础,并在此基础上提出责任式创新对我国的政策启示。
Responsible innovation has been a totally new concept of development put forward by the European and American countries in recent years ,aiming at coordinating the relationship betw een the development of science and technology and social welfare .The research uses the relevant data from 1990 to 2o15 which is found from the database of The Web of Sci‐ence .The study aims to get the main research strength ,the latest research hot pints ,the research frontiers and the corre‐sponding knowledge bases of responsible innovation and put forward the politic implication of responsible innovation on our country on those basis ,by drawing map of the field through the softwares CitespaceIII ,Bibexcel and Ucinet6 and combi‐ning part of the citing literature and cited literature meanw hile .