The loan guarantee pricing is the key point in the loan guarantee practice, The reality of the one guarantor versus multiguaranteed firms and the existing of the guarantee claim priority in practice can have influence on the guarantee value, but the current literatures do not consider these characteristics for the reason of pursuing simplicity of modeling. The paper incorporates both of these realities in the pricing model by establishing the loan guarantee pricing model with claim priority under the one guarantee and muhi- guaranteed finns framework. By analyzing the model, the pricing formulas for the guarantee with different claim priorities are given, and through a case study, the influence factors of loan guarantee with different claim priorities are drawn out. The results show that the value of the guarantee with the secondary claim priority is affected not only by the risk characteristics of both the guaranteed firm itself and the guarantor, but also by the guaranteed firm with the first claim priority. Finally, the paper provides some advice for the guarantee practice through comparisons with the traditional model.