Comparative experiments of 00Cr17Ti cold-rolled sheets with or without hot band annealing were carried out. The effect of annealing of hot band on ridging of cold-roiled and annealed sheet was investigated by microstructure and texture analysis. The results show that the cold-rolled and annealed sheet with annealing of hot band exhib- ited slighter ridging than that without annealing, and the average roughness and maximum roughness were only 1.27 μm and 12.06 μm, respectively. The difference in ridging characteristics between these two sheets mainly derived from the difference in microstructure and micro-texture. The cold-rolled and annealed sheet from annealed hot band had more homogenous microstructure in normal direction (ND) and lower texture gradient in transverse direction (TD) in comparison with that without annealing of hot band. Moreover, the grain colonies of the cold-rolled and annealed sheet from annealed hot hand were shorter, thinner and more scattered. All that reduced ridging of the finished sheet. Thus annealing of hot-rolled band is essential to improve the surface quality of finished sheet.