In the 21 st century, especially over the past decade, woodworking machinery industry in China has achieved rapid development, product market competition will become more intense woodworking machinery, woodworking machinery products of various grades are produced all kinds of products, "giant" in the production and marketing of process professional division more detailed woodworking machinery.Woodworking Machinery branding and OEM cooperation parallel, woodworking machinery design from product design to production line design, woodworking machinery brand stores dominate, the price war is already in the quality of war let.Woodworking machinery industry listed companies emerge, it will lead to continued consolidation in the industry. China woodworking machinery has been completely over into a buyer's market, differences in management is a major prerequisite for the survival and development of woodworking machinery products consumption cycle shortened lead to the development of increased demand. Furniture customization and personalization popular woodworking machinery gradual acceleration required product flexibility, industry associations will gradually strengthen, low woodworking machinery enterprises to quickly transition. Safety, environmental protection and green is the next round of competition woodworking machinery products chips, low-profit era has come woodworking machinery. With the large number of layoffs, heroic transfer of shares of SCM bookmakers conversion, folding sword Bias Chinese market, according to Ma imminent threat of restructuring, the power market outlook is bleak. World-class woodworking machinery bigwigs, who should lend a hand, the companies fully again moved to China, and anyone can become the last king.