Considering the basic characteristics of China can be described as too many people and too little land. So the phenomena that urban sprawl in the urbanization should be taken as a seriously problem and be solved as soon as possible. Before we try to regulate the urban sprawl ,we must make clear the driving-force mechanism of the urban growth. In this paper, from the view of urban size and urban hierarchy, we attempt to form a more detailed theoretical framework of urban expansion driving force. Furthermore, we used data from 2001 to 2011 for 243 cities in China and a fixed effects model and found that the pushing effect of population on urban expansion decreases when urban size increases. Tertiary industries are pushing small city expansion and secondary industries are pushing medium city and mega city expansion. Government expenditure plays a more significant role in urban expansion in large cities and mega cities than small and medium cities, The government' s behavior regarding inviting investment can push urban expansion in large cities; however, it can reduce urban expansion in small and mega cities. Land finance can push land expansion. Compared with prefecture level cities, governments in high status cities can promote urban expansion more effectively by using the government expenditure. Because of policy bias, the governments of the high status cities have more power to influence urban expansion and the existence of the misapplication of resources, secondary industries are still a powerful factor which can influencing urban expansion in high status cities, especially in mega cities. After the existence of heterogeneity between cities is shown, then we can suggest that the policy about urban expansion need to consider differences between the cities.