报道了贺兰山7个新分布记录种:羊蹄(Rumex japonicus Houtt.)、准噶尔拉拉藤(Galium songaricum Schrenk)、挪威虎耳草(Saxifraga oppositifolia L.)、光岩蕨(Woodsia glabella R.Br.ex Richards)、红果类叶升麻(Actaea erythrocarpa Fisch.)、四叶葎(Galium bungei Steud.)和尖唇鸟巢兰(Neottia acuminata Schltr.)。其中,羊蹄又为宁夏省级新分布记录种;准噶尔拉拉藤和挪威虎耳草又为内蒙古及宁夏省级新分布记录种。凭证标本存放于内蒙古大学植物标本馆(HIMC)。
Seven newly recorded species of vascular plants in the Helan Mountain were reported. They are Rumex japonicus Houtt.,Galium songaricum Schrenk,Saxifraga oppositifolia L.,Woodsia glabella R. Br. ex Richards,Actaea erythrocarpa Fisch.,Galium bungei Steud. and Neottia acuminata Schltr. In which R. japonicus Houtt. is a newly recorded species at provincial level in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; G. songaricum Schrenk and S. oppositifolia L. are two newly recorded species at provincial level in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. The voucher specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of Inner Mongolia University.