白羊岭矿为高瓦斯矿井,矿井瓦斯含量大,工作面绝对瓦斯涌出量为120.7 m3/min。为了有效地防治该矿瓦斯超限,特对掘进巷道采取了浅孔注水、深孔抽放的瓦斯治理方法。同时,通过对邻近层瓦斯抽采、生产工作面上隅角和采空区瓦斯进行治理,彻底地改变了该矿井瓦斯超限的现状。
As a highly gassy mine,Baiyangling coal mine has a large gas bearing capacity,and whose absolute gas emission of the working face is 120.7m3/min.In order to effectively control the transfinite gas of mine,methods of gas control were taken in excavation roadway,such as water injection through shallow hole and gas drainage by deep hole.Meanwhile,the present situation of the mine’s gas overrunning was changed thoroughly by gas extraction of adjacent layer,and the gas control of upper corner and goaf in the producing working face.