Some Social Implications of Modern Technology is a paper of Marcuse written in 1941 in the United States. In this paper, Marcuse took technology as a social process, which includes not only such material elements as craft and instrument, but also the element of man-the individual involved in the use of machine and the social group who guides the operation and use of the machine. The connotation of technology is multi-leveled. It is a means of production, and also a way of organizing, maintaining or transforming social relations. The wide use of modem technology has facilitated the differentiation of rationality, extended technology to all social areas such as production, life and ideology, and led to the emergence of modem mass and the formation of social bureaucracy, and the full control of society by popular culture. Some Social Implications of Modern Technology indicates that Her- bert Marcuse' s social criticism has turned from cultural criticism in the general sense into criticism of technological culture in particular. The criticism to technology not only separates Herbert Marcuse' s critical theory of society from those of the other representatives of the Frankfurt School, but also set up for the aesthetic transformation of technology proposed by Marcuse later. This is a new contribution of Marcuse' s social criticism.