Objective: To investigate the color values characteristic and the space distribution characteristic of the typical and complicated tongue color. Methods From the 445 cases of the light red tongue diagnosed by the doctor, 23 cases of the typical light red tongue, 36 cases of the amphi-purple tongue and 12 cases of the amphi-dark tongue had been chosen. From the 236 cases of the red tongue, 13 cases of the typical red tongue, 20 cases of the amphi-purple tongue and 21 cases of the amphi-dark tongue had been chosen. Using the Maflab software, the different tongue color values datum and the space distribution characteristic had been studied in the CIELAB and LCH color space. Results: ( 1 ) The lightness of the light red tongue color was highest and the hue of those was prefer to the red-yellow color. (2) The red tongue color had the lower lightness and the higher chroma compared with the light red tongue color. ( 3 ) The lightness and chroma of typical light red tongue color and typical red tongue color were higher. ( 5 ) The amphi-purple tongue color appeared the hue change. (6) The amphi-purple and the amphi-dark tongue color occupied the different space location in the CIELAB and LCH color space. Conclusions:The typical and complicated tongue color had the obvious difference of the LabCHcolor parameter, and occupied the different space location in the color space.