[目的]为明确枣棉间作模式下不同施氮量对棉花根际微生物的影响。[方法]通过田间小区试验,研究0、150、300、450、600、750 kg/hm26种施氮水平对枣树‖棉花模式中棉花根际土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌数量的变化动态。[结果]300和450 kg/hm2施氮量能显著增加蕾期、花期和吐絮期微生物总数量。细菌和放线菌在整个生育期中蕾期数量最少,铃期和花期较高,吐絮期次之。真菌数量各个时期变化不大。适宜施氮量能增加铃期枣棉间作交际行棉花根际土微生物数量。[结论]该研究可为枣棉间作系统合理施用氮肥提供科学依据。
[Objective]This study aimed to determine the number of microorganisms of cotton rhizosphere in a soil at various amounts of applied nitrogen fertilizer in a red date-cotton intercropping system. [Method] In the field experiment, nitrogen fer-tilizer was applied at 0, 150, 300, 450, 600, and 750 kg/hm2, respectively. The dy-namic changes of the populations of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes at the rhizo-sphere of cotton intercropped with red date were investigated. [Result] Microbial populations significantly increased at nitrogen fertilizer of 300 and 450 kg/hm2 during bud, flowering and bol opening periods. The numbers of bacteria and actinomycetes were higher during flowering and bol opening stages than at bud stage. The num-ber of fungi slightly changed during the entire growth period. Appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer (300 to 600 kg/hm2) was favorable to the survival of the microor-ganisms in the soil under the intercropping system. [Conclusion] The study provides a guideline for screening and determining the optimum amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer.