A set X is independent if no two vertices of X are adjacent. A set X is dominating if N[X] = V(G). A dominating set X is minimal if no set X / {x} with x ∈ X is dominating. The independence number i(G)(β(G)) is the minimum (maximum) cardinality of a maximal independent set of G. The domination number γ(G) (the upper domination number Г(G)) is the minimum (maximum) cardinality of a minimal dominating set of G. In this paper, we prove that: (1) if G ∈R and G is a cubic graph of order n, then γ(G) = i(G), β(G) = n/3; (2) for every connected claw-free cubic graph G of order n, if G(G ≠ K4) contains no K4 - e as induced subgraph, then β(G) = n/3.