Imitative behavior is major factor which effects on equilibrium of electricity market because power suppliers in inferior position could imitate the game behavior of other power suppliers in the game process. A simulation model base on Swarm was proposed. In business game process with incomplete information, the static game behavior, dynamic game behavior and evolutionary game behavior of power suppliers were simulated. The model characterized the evolutionary game process in which power suppliers making use of the obtained information and continually modifies their behavior role. Result showed that the average power supply of suppliers with imitative behavior is higher than those without imitative behavior. The quit mechanism in market prompts power suppliers to optimize their game behavior. The power suppliers who can accurately predict the information of their opponent always survive in the end. The average power supply in market with quit mechanism is higher than in market without quit mechanism. In the market without quit mechanism, being short of the stimulation in optimization decision-making, few power suppliers adopt optimization game model.