2 /zm AlGaAsSb/InGaSb type-Ⅰ quantum-well high-power laser diodes(LDs) are grown using molecular beam epitaxy.Stripe-type waveguide single LD(single emitter) and array LD(four emitters) devices without facet coatings are fabricated.For the single LDs(single emitter) device,the maximum output power under continuous wave(CW) operation is 0.5 W at 10℃ with a threshold current density of 150 A/cm~2 and a slope efficiency of 0.17 W/A,the output powers under the pulse mode in the 5%duty cycles are much higher,up to 0.98 W.For the array LD devices,the maximum output powers are 1.02 W under the CW mode and 3.03 W under the pulse mode at room temperature.
2μm A1GaAsSb/InGaSb type-I quantum-well high-power laser diodes (LDs) are grown using molec- ular beam epitaxy. Stripe-type waveguide single LD (single emitter) and array LD (four emitters) devices without facet coatings are fabricated. For the single LDs (single emitter) device, the maximum output power under contin- uous wave (CW) operation is 0.5 W at 10℃ with a threshold current density of 150 A/cm^2 and a slope efficiency of 0.17 W/A, the output powers under the pulse mode in the 5% duty cycles are much higher, up to 0.98 W. For the array LD devices, the maximum output powers are 1.02 W under the CW mode and 3.03 W under the pulse mode at room temperature.