为更好地了解车人碰撞事故中人体不同部位的损伤来源及其相关性,从大量事故案例中选取64例 附着弹出类型车人碰撞事故,用 PC -CmSh 对事故进行再现后读取相关数据,经验证,数据可靠.然后借助做图和 相关性分析等技术对数据进行分析.结果表明,头部损伤和大腿部位的损伤主要来源于人与车碰撞的过程中;胸部 由加速度引起的损伤主要来源于与车碰撞过程中,而由碰撞力引起的损伤则主要来源于与地面碰撞过程中;小腿部 位的损伤来源,则须具体问题具体分析.通过相关性分析表明,行人头部HIC15与胸部3ms加速度值之间的相关系 数最高,具有显著统计学意义,表明行人头部损伤与胸部损伤之间具有高度相关性.
For better understanding the source ol injury in different parts ol human body in vehicle-pedestri-an crash accidents and their correlations, 64 vehicle-pedestrian wrap collision accident cases are selected from a large number ol accidents and they are reconstructed using PC-Crash,with related data obtained,which are verified to be reliable. Then the data are analyzed by using techniques ol graph plotting and correlation analysis. etc. The re-sults show that the injuries ol head and upper legs are mainly caused by their impact with vehicle; the acceleration- induced injury ol thorax are mainly caused by its impact with vehicle while the lorce-induced injury ol thorax are caused by its impact with ground,and lor lower legs,the source ol their injury must be specilically analyzed l'or spe- cilic situation. It is indicated by correlation analysis that the correlation coefficient between head HIC15 and thorax 3ms acceleration ol pedestrian is the highest and has a remarkable statistical signilicance, demonstrating the high correlation between head and thorax injuries.