交通建设对鸟类的影响已经成为国际道路野生动物生态学一个研究热点,然而在我国还鲜有相关研究。针对在建的承德-赤峰高速公路(以下简称"承赤高速")茅荆坝国家级自然保护区段隧道口施工噪声及其相关活动对周边环境中鸟类群落的影响进行了初步研究,调查了施工周边区域的鸟类群落数量、种类及多样性,并与保护区内部未受施工影响的区域进行了比较,研究表明其优势种为大山雀(Parus major)、棕头鸦雀(Paradoxornis webbianus)、小鹀(Emberiza pusilla)、黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans);花尾榛鸡(Tetrastes bonasia)、戈氏岩鹀(Emberiza godlewskii)、冠纹柳莺(Phylloscopus reguloides)、淡眉柳莺(Phylloscopus humei)等均为之前所收集资料未发现的物种;猛禽明显倾向于分布在离施工场地较远的区域中活动;鸟类群落多样性指数在2012年和2013年间存在显著差异。为了减缓由于道路施工及其相关活动对鸟类群落的影响,提出了多种保护对策。
The impact of transportation on birds becomes hot topic in Road Wildlife Ecology internationally, but there is few relevant researches in China. We studied the impact of construction activities on bird communities along Chengde-Chifeng Expressway in Maojingba Nature Reserve,investigated number, species and biodiversity of bird communities, and compared which with the data of background region in nature reserve. The result suggests dominant species include Great Tit( Parus major), Vinous-throated Parrotbill ( Paradoxornis webbianus) , Little Bunting ( Emberiza pusiUa) , Yellow-throated Bunting ( Emberiza elegans) ;Hazel Grouse ( Tetrastes bonasia), Godlewski' s Bunting ( Emberiza godlewskii), Blyth ' s Leaf Warbler( Phylloscopus reguloides)and Hume's W.arbler( Phylloscopuz humei)are new records in this area;raptors distributed mainly in original habitat, away from construction area;bird communities indexes showed significant differences between 2012 and 2013. To mitigate impact of road construction on bird communities, some mitigation measures are proposed.