This paper examines recent trends in employment structure for migrant workers in China over 200? -2,013 using data from CHIP 2007 and CHIP 2013.While the majority of migrant workers obtain job through "strong ties", this percentage stood at 50.82% in 20]3, a 13.8 percentage point decline from that in 200"7. Regarding investment and loan for self-employment, 90% invested and 30% borrowed in 2013, and private lending is the main type of loan but it has declined by 20.53 percentage points.The percentage of self-employment approximated to 30% in 2013 with an increase of "7.25 percentage points.Major occupations involve commercial service, self-employment and production and transporta- tion, and the main industries are wholesale and retail, manufacturing and resident service and repair service.The proportion of the migrant workers with an annual income over 30 thousand yuan has in- creased markedly by 42.65 oercentaae points.