In order to study the influence of wheelset wheel-rail forces of linear metro vehicles,on the basis elasticity on wheel vibrations, wheel polygonizati of making modal analysis on a single wheelset,th on e rl and gid- flexible coupling dynamic model of the complete vehicle system was established,where the wheelsets were con- sidered as the elastic body and the remaining parts were treated as the rigid body. The results show as follows: Taking into consideration wheelset elasticity,the bending vibration frequencies of the elastic wheelset will cou- ple with the vibration frequencies of the linear motor and so increase the amplitude of wheelsets vibrations, thus reflecting changes of wheelsets vibrations and wheel rail forces more realistically ~ wheel polygonization will pro- duce larger vertical wheel rail forces which are closely related to the wheel polygon amplitude, phase difference, harmonic order and vehicle running speed, and the influence of wheel polygonization on wheel-rail forces can be reflected more accurately in the case of the wheelsets being taken as the elastic body;in actual operation of metro vehicles, if the dominant order of wheel polygonization is known, we should try our best to avoid the run ning speed corresponding to coupling between excitations generated by wheel polygonization and vertical ben ding vibration frequencies of the flexible wheelset.