The axle load of locomotive traction heavy-duty train is the mainstream trend in the development of railway freight transportation in the world.With the increase of deadweight, constantly the locomotive traction power also improves, puting forward higher requirements on load transmission between wheel~rail, and urgent needs to further study the adhesion use after the axle load increases. It studied on the influence of adhesion availability under starting working condition~ Bouncing vibration and nodding vibration of car body and bogie were considered~ Factors such as the stiffness of prima~y and secondary suspension, longitudinal support of secondary suspension, wheelbase, traction height were analyzed. The analysis results show that the stiffness of primary and secondary suspension, longitudinal support of secondary suspension, traction height have an closed connection with adhesion availability but hardly with wheel base of bogie. Using harder primary and softer secondary suspension or larger longitudinal support of secoudary suspension also contribute to improving adhesion availability.