课程设计是给排水科学与工程专业教学中非常重要的环节。现阶段课程设计教学工作,存在学生专业技能培养不足、成绩评定方式单一、抄袭现象普遍存在等问题。为了提高课程设计教学效果,本文在尊重学生在设计过程中的主体性,能够充分发挥其能动性的前提下,提出了增加选题环节,改变设计组织形式;适当建立题库,完善设计指导书;学生参与的多方位成绩评定方法 ;建立课程设计成果查重系统等改革措施。
Course design is an important link in the teaching for the major of water supply and drainage science and engi- neering. There are some shortcomings in the current course design, such as insufficient cultivation of students' professional skills, single ways of performance evaluation, and severe plagiarism. To improve the course design and teaching effect, we propose some measures based on respecting students' subjective role in the design and giving full play to their subjectivity. The measures are as follows: adding the link of topic selection and changing the organization form of design; effectively building an item bank and improving the instructions of design; taking diversified ways to evaluate students' performance; establishing a system for checking redundant results of course design.