Crisp coalitional and fuzzy coalitional games to seek optimal ordering as well as stocking strategies were studied respectively in order to find a joint optimal policy in managing an economic production quantity with order backlogging based supply network made up of a single manufacturer and multiple retailers. An ordering cost game model under limited information sharing and the other inventory (also stock storage)cost model under more informa- tion sharing were both devised, and their stability of coalitions and existence of solutions were also proved. Conse- quently, analysis and simulation both suggested that, as cost allocation rules, Extended Shapley Value was more reasonable and feasible than Proportional Rule, and particularly, the former was the only one to achieve Pareto im- provement when one switched from decentralized stocking strategy to centralized stocking policy under joint ordering strategy. Furthermore, a fuzzy coalitional game for joint ordering was constructed and the core non--emptiness was proved. Reasonable cost allocation scheme for this fuzzy game by Fuzzy Shapley Value was provided. Numerical ex- periment was conducted to demonstrate and verify the validation of the solution. In the end, future research trend was also pointed out.