Scientific administrative decision-making plays an important role in the value targets of the decision-making. It is necessary to strengthen the system construction and ensure the scientific administrative decision-making. Through data analysis, more than half of the civil servants of the governments at all levels and regions show their support for the establishment of special research institutions to strengthen the scientific decision-making, especially in the county level government, with a supporting rate at 70.9%. The judgment also reveals that the current administrative decision-making scientific security system has many shortcomings. More than half of the civil servants at all levels and regions believe that the current scientific security system of the administrative decision-making isineffeetive. Therefore, the establishment of specialized research institutions is not only necessary, but feasible. Such judgments show a rising trend at the lower level of government and in developing regions. Generally speaking, the protection of scientific administrative decision-making form specialized research institutions is widely supported by civil servants at all levels.