综述了国内外近5年来在杏(Prunusarmeniaca L.)起源演化,新疆伊犁野杏林群体遗传结构与遗传多样性分析,杏风味物质化学组分,授粉生物学与抗冻性评价,杏远缘杂交与种质创新,杏杂种F1群体S基因的遗传、克隆与表达分析,产量与品质构成因素的遗传变异以及杏新品种选育等方面的研究进展,并提出了今后的研究方向。
The apricot (Prunus armeniaca) research progress in recent 5 years is reviewed in the paper, including the origin of apricot, genetic structure and diversities of populations of Prunus armeniaca L. in ILy River Valley, Xinjiang, evaluation on aroma compounds, pollination biology and frozen resistance, distant hybridization and creating new germplasm of apricot, inheritance and variation of S-gene, yields and quantity components among F1 progenies, and breeding and selection new cuhivars. It is proposal to construct multilevel system of protection and conservation apricot in ILy River Valley, Xinjiang and protect the rare resources practically. Some research programmes need to be studied in this field in the future were suggested.