探讨物联网技术存阪疗信息化建设中的应用,首先研究物联网技术的架构,分析了EPC(ElectroniC Product Code,电子产品标签)系统网叫络的实现方法,特别是对医疗物联恻任临床移动医疗与病人牛命体征数据采集应用进行了探讨,基于RFID)的手术灭菌器械追溯管理对传统于术器械管理模式提出了挑战,提高了临床手术管理的精细化水平,实现了手术供心器械包的规范化管理和即时预警,对降低院内感染、提升医疗器械利用率、缩短病人住院周期有重要作用。
Abstract Internet of things technology used in medical infonnation is adopt in this paper. Firstly the structure feature of internet of things technology is researched. Then analyzing the development of EPC System Network, especially Internet of things technology applied in medical information. Compare to traditional handmade management, the sterilization of surgical instruments in PFID traceability have many advantages. It is helpful to improve the level of refinement of clinical operations management, standardized management of surgical supplies equipment package and real-time early warning to reduce infections, enhance medical equipment utilization, and shorten patient cycle.