At present,the decline in labor income share becomes universal phenomenon, numerous lit- eratures aiming to explain it are confined to the perspectives of the structural transformation of the economy and trade and technology, with limited universal adaptability and explanatory ability, and are ignoring biased technology progress influence on labor income share.This paper uses the three equation standardization system method to measure biased technology progress, and analyzes the in- come distribution effects of technological progress through quantile regression by using regional panel data.The results show that: the trend of regional technology progress bias converges to national trend, appears capital biased technical progress on the average, which means the technical progress is more advantageous to improve the marginal output of capital. Results on panel quantile regression show that: biased technical progress has obvious depressant effect on labor income share, the more techni- cal progress biased towards the capital, the more capital income share can be promoted, and labor in- come status can be worse. At the same time, in the different quantiles of labor income share, the in- come distribution effects of technical progress are different, before reaching the 50% quantiles, the lower the labor income share, the stronger the inhibiting effect of technical progress bias on labor in- come share, and with the rise of labor incomes, the inhibiting effect will continue to weaken. Mean- while, influenced by technical progress itself and factor endowments structure and regional economic environment, income distribution effect of biased technical progress also appears to regional differences.