小切口角膜基质透镜取出术( SMILE)是一种新型的角膜屈光手术方式,其无瓣、微创等特点在近视及散光矫正方面与既往的角膜屈光手术类型相比具有独特的优势。 SMILE的安全性、有效性及可预测性经过临床大量数据研究已显示出满意的效果。但其长期稳定性尚需要进一步观察。本文针对SMILE手术技术的安全性、有效性及稳定性作一评述,以期为临床合理治疗提供参考。
Small incision lenticule extraction ( SMILE) is a novel type of corneal refractive surgery.It has unique advan-tages of minimal invasion in myopia and myopic astigmatism treatment over other corneal refractive surgeries.It has been clinically verified that the safety, efficacy and predictability of SMILE is satisfying by a series of data in clinic, whereas fur-ther researches are still needed about the long-term stability.Research progress of these points of SMILE was clarified in this article.