目的:了解兰溪市农村居民常见肛肠疾病的流行现况,探讨肛肠疾病发生的影响因素。方法在兰溪市选取4个村18岁及以上常住居民2287人进行问卷调查和体检。结果肛肠疾病总患病率为64.15%,其中男性52.66%,女性73.02%。多因素分析结果显示,影响肛肠疾病的危险因素有女性(OR =2.563)、高龄(OR =1.515)、已婚(OR =2.096)、排便时间长(OR =2.247)、排便用力过猛(OR =1.300)、有肛肠疾病家族史(OR =1.724)、体质指数大(OR =1.253),影响因素还有工作较紧张(OR =0.664)。结论兰溪市农村居民肛肠疾病患病率较高,其影响因素有性别、年龄、婚姻、排便习惯、肛肠疾病家族史、体质指数、工作强度和怀孕次数等,应普及健康宣教和结肠镜检查。
Objective To know the prevalence of anorectal disease and its influencing factors among rural residents in Lanxi city.Methods A cluster sampling method was performed,a total of 2 287 residents aged 1 8 years and over were selected. A questionnaire interview and physical examination were carried out.Results The prevalence of anorectal diseases was 64.1 5% totally,with female 73.02% and male 52.66%,respectively.Multivariate analysis showed that gender,age, marriage status,working intensity,defecation habit,family history of anorectal disease and body mass index were the influencing factors (P 〈0.01 ).Conclusion The prevalence of anorectal diseases was relatively high among rural residents in Lanxi city.The colonoscopy should be recommended and health education should be taken in general physical examination.