丝盖伞属Inocybe是一个较大的属,目前对中国丝盖伞属真菌的种类和分布知之甚少。在中国丝盖伞科分类学研究过程中,发现采自东北的3个分类群尚未有文献记载,它们是褐鳞丝盖伞原变型上I,cervicolor f.cervicolor、土味丝盖伞蓝紫变种上I.geophylla var.violacea和厚囊丝盖伞上pachypleura。根据中国的材料对此3种进行了详细描述,并提供了每个种的线条图和必要的讨论。
Inocybe is a large agaric genus, and the knowledge of the genus is still poorly known in China. In the present paper, three taxa, I. cervicolor f. cervicolor, I. geophylla var. violacea and I. pachypleura, that have not been recorded are discovered from northeastern China. The detailed descriptions and line drawings are given based on Chinese materials, and a Chinese name was proposed for each of the taxa.