在对安徽黄山木生多孔菌调查过程中,共采集到约200号标本,经鉴定共有多孔菌85种,列出了这些多孔菌的名录,并提供了每种的寄主和采集号。其中红黄角蜡孔菌Ceriporia aurantiocarnescens和硫色蜡孔菌C.sulphuricolor为中国新记录种,对其进行了详细的描述和显微结构绘图。
About 200 specimens of poroid wood-decaying fungi were collected from Huangshan Mountain,Anhui Province,and 85 species of polypores were identified from these materials.A checklist of the polypores is given.Substrates and collecting data of each species are provided.Among these species,Ceriporia aurantiocarnescens and C.sulphuricolor are new to China,and illustrated descriptions of the two species are given according to our materials.