Having a good prediction on customer's buying behavior is the key to many studying sections, such as customer lifetime valuation (CLV) and customer defection management. The Pareto/NBD model was developed by Schmittlein et al. , to describe repeat-buying behavior in a non-contractual setting. Though Pareto/NBD model has caught the eyes of many researchers and been applied into several studies in recent years, the empirical studies are still rare. This paper makes a brief review concerning the applications of Pareto/NBD, and then using a customer database containing recent 5 years'customer buying records from a professional video equipment retailer, it makes an empirical study on Pareto/NBD model by checking its prediction performance including the probability of a customer still alive at certain time and the expected purchasing frequency in the future. In the application section, this paper also proposes the ways combining Pareto/NBD and monetary value models to evaluate customer lifetime value for both customer with and without purchasing history, and how to set customer defection early warning point according to the CLV.