The existence of financial dual structure is the inevitable result of financial regulation, namely the formal finance and non-formal finance coexist. In order to study the impact of non-formal finance on the effectiveness of monetary policy, the paper estimates the scale of the non-formal finance from the year of 1994 to 2012 by applying the improved method of?-value. The results show that the non-formal finance scale accounts for about one third of the formal financial scale in re-cent years. And on this basis, the paper focuses on analyzing the relationship between the non-formal finance and the effec-tiveness of monetary policy by using different empirical measurement methods. The results show that the non-formal finance and the broad money supply (M2) as an intermediate target of monetary policy exist a long-term stable cointegration relation-ship, it is also the Granger cause of the expansion of M2. Meanwhile, the formal finance, the bonds issued by the monetary authorities and their foreign assets also have different degrees of impact on M2. The existence of financial dual structure causes the central bank is unable to observe and control the total money supply accurately, weakening the results of the cen-tral bank’s monetary policy.