Using an unbalanced panel data of 50 China's city commercial bank from 2005 to 2014 in single-step system GMM estimation method, this paper studied the relationship between the e- conomic cycle and the capital buffer, and analyzed the effects of the pressure of prudential super- vision and equity heterogeneity to cyclical capital buffer behavior. Results show that there is a negative correlation between the economic cycle and capital buffers: the capital buffer has signifi- cant pro-cyclicality. Yet banks which under prudential supervision pressure, it's Pro-cyclical fea- tures of capital buffer is weakened compared with other banks. Moreover, the nature of share- holding and foreign strategic investors of Ownership Characteristics can impact the pro-cyclicality of capital buffer, but the effect is not significant Therefore, the City bank should to strengthen the banking system, establish a "capital buffer pool" and implement prudential regulatory policy in order to maintain its stability.