【目的】明确亚洲玉米螟Ostrnia furnacalis(Guen6e)绿色防控技术组装集成田间防效及效益。【方法】对6种亚洲玉米螟绿色防控技术组装集成进行田间平均防治效果、挽回玉米产量损失率的测定,从对亚洲玉米螟的防治效果、玉米的产量和质量、投入成本、投入产出比、经济效益等方面进行综合评价。【结果】投射式杀虫灯+悬挂性诱剂诱芯、投射式杀虫灯+释放赤眼蜂、投射式杀虫灯+喷施Bt可湿性粉剂、释放赤眼蜂+喷施Bt可湿性粉剂、性诱剂诱捕器+释放赤眼蜂、性诱剂诱捕器+喷施Bt可湿性粉剂6种不同绿色防控技术组装集成对亚洲玉米螟的平均防治效果分别为83.55%、85.26%、87.28%、89.57%、84.74%和86.75%,挽回产量损失率分别是15.55%、16.13%、16.97%、17.53%、15.66%和16.50%;投入产出比分别为1:57.23、1:25.76、1:19.41、1:17.53、1:9.23和1:8.48。【结论】释放赤眼蜂+喷施Bt可湿性粉剂、投射式杀虫灯+喷施Bt可湿性粉剂、投射式杀虫灯+释放赤眼蜂、投射式杀虫灯+悬挂性诱剂诱芯为最佳亚洲玉米螟绿色防控技术组装集成。
[Objectives] To confirm the efficacy and benefit of using different integrated multiple green control techniques for the Asian corn borer, Ostrnia Jurnacalis (Guenee). [Methods] The efficacy of 6 different integrated multiple green control techniques for the Asian corn borer were compared in corn fields. Efficacy was assessed by control efficacy and decrease of corn yield loss, and also by corn yield and quality and input-output ratio. [Results] The control efficacy of the six methods was 83.55%, 85.26%, 87.28%, 89.57%, 84.74% and 86.75%, and the associated reduction of corn yield loss was 15.55%, 16.13%, 16.97%, 17.53%, 15.66% and 16.50%, respectively. The input-output ratio for each technique was 1 : 57.23, 1 : 25.76, 1 : 19.4l, 1 : 17.53, 1 : 9.23 and 1 : 8.48. The 6 integrated multiple green control techniques assessed were projection-type, moth-killing lamps + suspended sex pheromone cores, projection-type moth-killing lamps + Trickogramma release, projection-type moth-killing lamps + Bt WP spray, Trichogramma release and sex pheromone traps + Bt WP Trichogramma release + Bt WP spray, sex pheromone traps + spray. [Conclusion] Trichogramma release + Bt WP spray, projection-type moth-killing lamps + Bt WP spray, projection-type moth-killing lamps + Trichogramma release, Bt WP spray + suspended sex pheromone cores, were the best of the methods evaluated