【目的】研究二代亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guen6e)为害对玉米产量的影响。【方法】以“先玉335”为供试玉米品种,通过人工接虫模拟二代玉米螟不同发生量为害玉米对产量损失的影响。【结果】随着接卵量增加,虫孔数和蛀孔隧道长度增加,玉米单穗粒重降低。单株虫孔数每增加1个,玉米产量损失率增加4.52%;隧道长度每增加10cm,产量损失率增加8.34%。接卵量与玉米产量损失率的关系符合方程Z=-10.0297+4.034ln(x)。【结论】根据害虫经济阈值的定义,推算出二代玉米螟的防治指标为百株累积卵量12.8块,对二代玉米螟的防治决策具有重要指导作用。
[Objectives] To study lost corn yield caused by the second generation of Ostriniafurnacalis (Guen6e) damage. [Methods] The maize single cross XY335 was artificially infested with the 2nd generation Asian corn borer O. furnacalis and subsequent crop damage quantified. [Results] Grain yield per plant was significantly correlated with the number of egg-masses, stalk cavities and tunnel length. Maize yield loss increased by 4.52% with per percent increase in stalk cavities and 8.34% per 10 cm increase in tunnel length. The correlation between yield loss and the number of egg-masses per 100 plants was fitted with the equation: z =- 10.0297 + 4.034 In (x). [Conclusion] According to the economic threshold definition, the control index of the 2nd generation Asian corn borer is 12.8 egg-masses per 100 plants.