对汉英高速公路(谌家矶段)透水型沥青混凝土路面试验段的噪声性能进行了现场测试评价。与普通AC-13C路面相比,在高速行驶状态下的车外噪声降低近5 dB,车内噪声降低2 dB以上,而在潮湿路面状态下,降噪水平更达到8 dB以上。透水型沥青混凝土路面能够有效降低车辆行驶噪声污染,提高高速公路的行车舒适性及安全性。
The tests and assessment on the noise-damping performance of draining asphalt concrete pavement in the Expressway from Wuhan to Yingshan (Chenjiaji Section) are conducted. The tests result show that the noise out the car with high speed is reduced by about 5dB, the noise in the car is reduced by more than 2dB compared with the common AC-13C pavement, once the surface is moist, the noisedamping level would climb to 8dB. The draining asphalt concrete pavement is efficient to eliminate noise pollution and beneficial to the driving comfortability and safety.