婺源县为江西省稻瘟病的常发区和重发区。2009~2010年分3批播种(间隔期5 d),评估婺源县9个主栽早稻品种对水稻稻瘟病的抗性。结果表明,两年中,株两优02和株两优09对叶瘟的抗性均保持中抗,陆两优996、淦鑫203、T优898和春光1号为中感,抗性改变的品种有3个,其中金优463由中抗变为高感,金优458和先农37号均由感病变为高感。两年中,株两优02、淦鑫203和株两优09对穗瘟的抗性均保持中抗以上,陆两优996、T优898为中感,春光1号为高感,抗性改变的品种有3个,其中金优463由中感变为高感,金优458和先农37号均由感病变为高感。在以上9个品种中,只有株两优09和株两优02对叶瘟和穗瘟的抗性两年中均保持在中抗以上。
The resistances of 9 mainly-cultivated early rice varieties to rice blast were monitored through three batches of sowing with an interval of 5 days in Wuyuan county during 2009~2010.The results revealed that Zhuliangyou 02 and Zhuliangyou 09 were moderately or highly resistant to leaf blast,and Luliangyou 996,Ganxin 203,T-You 898 and Chunguang No.1 were moderately susceptible to leaf blast during the two years.Three varieties changed their resistances to leaf blast,thereinto,the resistance of Jinyou 463 cha...