In this study, we present a simple and efficient method to fabricate a superhydro- phobic coating surface on glass substrates by sol-gel method using MTMS and KH560 as co- precursors. We investigated the effects of volume ratio of MTMS/KH560, amount of solvent, ag- ing time and drying temperature on the performance and appearanc of coatings. Field emission scanning electron microscopy ( FE- SEM ), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FF- IR ) and optical contact angle measurements (CA) were used to characterize the surface morpholo- gies, chemical compositions and wettability of the surfaces, respectively. The results show that when the volume ratio of KH560 :MTMS :CH3OH is 1:4:50,the coatings have the best perform- ance and the contact angle is about 153 ℃ .The property of the superhydrophobic film with micro -nanostructure could be remained when the temperature is between 100-250 ℃.