[ Objective] The aim of the experiment is to explore the relationship between tapetum degradation and nutrient metabolism in anther and pollen abortion in CMS of wheat. [Method] Wheat S-1376A CMS [(S)-1376 (A) ] and its maintainer line [(A)-1376 (B) ] were used as test materials. The development condition of the nucleus of pollens at tricellular was surveyed through dyed by DAPI, and stained by KI-I2 to observe the starch accumulated in pollens at tricellular. Semi-thin sectioning was employed to observe and compare tapetum development process, polysaccharides, lipids and proteins accumulation in the sterile line and maintainer line. The cell Sene Entry was utilized to collect images and to calculate the area of the microspores and the tapetum cells in the section. IPP 6.0 was adopted to analyze the mean optical density and IOD at each stage in 1376 and (S)-1376. [Result] The data demonstrated that in (S)-1376, compared with 1376, the tapetum cells in advance degradated at the tetrad stage, and the pollen nucleus development was retarded, the majority of which merely developed the late uninucleate. Pollens were dyed yellow by KI-I2 at tricellular in (S)-1376, which certified there was no starch present in the pollens result in them thorough abortion. Area of the microspores and the tapetum cells in the section was extremely huge at the tetrad in (S)-1376. In (S)-1376, compared with 1376, a great number of starches and proteins accumulated in microspores at the tetrad stage, but from late uninucleate stage this situation undergone dramatic difference that the starches and proteins significantly decreased; whereas the lipids were significantly poorer in each period. In (S)-1376, polysaccharides and proteins were significantly higher than 1376 in the tapetum in tetrad, however, polysaccharides were less in early uninucleate and proteins were low in late uninucleate, respectively. Notably, lipids were lower in each period in the tapetum in (S)-1376. The contents of polys