称群G的一个子群H在G中弱s-置换嵌入的,如果存在G的一个次正规子群T和包含在H中的G的一个s-置换嵌入子群Hse,使得G=HT 且H∩T≤Hse.利用弱s-置换嵌入子群的性质给出了p-幂零群的一些新刻画.
A subgroup H of a group G is said to be weakly s-permutably embedded in G if there are a subnormal subgroup T of G and an s-permutably embedded subgroup Hse of G contained in H such that G=HT and H∩T≤Hse. By using the property of weakly s-permutably embedded groups,some criterions of p-nilpotency of finite groups are obtained.