Review the application of control allocation theory in dynamic control of distributed drive electric vehicle. Control allocation is an effective method to solve actuator redundancy control problems, which could decompose the design of control system into basic control rate design and control allocation algorithm design, and reduce the complexity of the control system design. The number of actuators of distributed drive electric vehicle is more than the number of charged physical quantity; it is a typical redundant control system. The application of control allocation has experienced from simple display allocation to complex optimization allocation. In kinetic control aspect, the control allocation considering constrains of the actuators such as tyre force coupling has been studied;combination of hydraulic system and electrical system is the further research direction. In optimal energy consumption control aspect, the stability control targets can be combined in the control allocation algorithm through weight coefficient, which is conducive to the realization of multi-targets integration. In the system reconfiguration control aspect, rule-based control allocation method is used currently;using optimal control allocation to realize system reconfiguration control is the further research direction. The quadratic programming method and pseudo-inverse method are the research focus currently, mainly because the real-time and accuracy of two methods are quite good.