基于二值标记函数及图像噪声分布模型建立了两相图像分割的全局凸优化变分模型。其能量泛函的数据项基于通用的概率分布函数,分割轮廓线的长度用标记函数的总变差近似。在交替优化过程中,当区域参数估计出后,采用凸松弛和阈值化技术计算标记函数实现全局优化,并设计了该全局凸优化模型的快速Split Bregman算法。作为实例,本文实现了基于高斯分布、瑞利分布、泊松分布及伽马分布模型的两相图像分割。
A general model of two phase segmentation of images with noises based on binary label function and convex relaxation method is proposed. Its region model is based on the general probability distribution functions including Gaussian, Rayleigh,Poisson and Gamma distribution, and so on. The length term of active contour model is approximated using the total variation of the binary function. In the alternate process of optimization the parameters are estimated. The global minimization is realized via convexification and thresholding techniques, and the Split Bregman algorithm is designed.