提出了一种基于简单语法分析的问答系统查询生成方法,利用对问题的词性标注,形成初始化布尔查询。根据查询结果文档集对查询迭代调整,最终产生合理的布尔查询.通过TREC2004和TREC2005的QA TRACK数据集上的实验,表明该方法在没有增加很大复杂度(平均迭代2.5次)的情况下大大提高了平均查准率,覆盖率和重复率.
A novel approach is pmpesed to generate Boolean query with the surface grammar information. The process is to generate the initial query first, and then iterate to adjust the query according to the retrieved result until a suitable query is acquired. The experiments on TREC2004/2005 QA TRACK data set show our approach improves the precision, coverage and redundancy greatly without increasing complexity much( iterate 2.5 times average).