Objective To investigate the effect o f quality control cycle a ctivity in improvingthe supplement of emergency surgical instruments. Methods To modified the supplement o f e-mergency surgical instruments by set up the Q C C a c t iv ity. To f in d out the reaefficiency of the emergency surgical instruments supply. TO formulate cobased on the reason and check results,evaluate the efficiency o f quality control circle a c t iv ity. Results In terms of improving krational allocation o f surgical instruments and blocked informa-tion system, the target achievement ratio and progress ratio was 107.66% and 16. 91X , respec-t ively. QCC members achieved a improvement in QCC practice, knt ion, brainstorm ski l ls, cooperation,and problem discovering after QCC a c t iv ity. Conclusion QCCactivity not only improve supplement o f emergency surgical instruments, but also reduce sur-gical instruments cost,as w ell as enhanced the communication and costaff.