Jie Wu was born in 1981. He is currently a lecturer at School of Management of University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests include data envelopment analysis, de- cision analysis and so on. E-mall: jacky012@ mail.ustc.edu.cn Jiasen Sun was born in 1986. He is currently a master student at School of Management of University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests include data envelopment analysis, decision analysis and so on. E-mail: jiasen @ mall.ustc.edu.cn Yong Zha was born in 1977. He is currently a lecturer at School of Management of University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests include data envelopment analysis, decision analysis and so on. E-mail: zhabeer@ustc.edu.cn Liang Liang was born in 1962. He is currently a professor at School of Management of University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests include data envelopment analysis, decision analysis and so on. E-mall: lliang@ ustc.edu.cn