The Yellow River is the maximum water source in Northwest China, especially in the upper reaches above Tangnag, which is called " water tower". In the background of global warming, the variation in runoff is responsible for social and eco-nomic sustainable development in the whole Yellow River basin. To assess the long-term run-off changing tendency and characteristics, the complex Morlet continuous wavelet function was applied to analyzing the annual runoff time series in the source regions of Yellow River above Tangnag for the period of 1920--2007. Four major changing periods (8 a, 15 a, 23 a and 36 a) are found. Among them, the period of 36 a is the most noticeable one. By decomposing the long-term runoff time series, the runoff in the upper Yellow River had an increasing tendency before 1985 apparently and has a decreasing tendency after 1985. In order tO find out the future changing tendency of the annual runoff, a combined model is developed by combining wavelet decomposition with artificial neural network. According the stochastic simulation, it is found that the runoff will slightly increase over the next decade, but still has had a significant decrease as a whole since 1956. The results also indicate that the combined model is feasible and efficient.