The groundwater level plays an important role in determining the pattern and distribution of vegetations that stabilize riverine environments. Presently, models simulating distribution of groundwater level become important tools in the groundwater research field. Based on the field investigation of geology and hydrogeology, conductivity and water supply capacity of the aquifer were determined in this study. After spatializing the relative parameters inputted, FEFLLOW software was run and a series of temporal and spatial distribution maps of groundwater level were obtained. By analyzing these maps, we could draw some conclusions: ( 1 ) Comparing the estimated and measured values, the mean error was 0.54m in 31 stations with mean minimum error 0.04m and mean maximum error 1.17 m; (2) Spatially, the lowest groundwater table appeared in southern mountain and northern parts between east lake and west lake. Generally, the groundwater level is between 1 m and 4 m in the most parts of the study area. Temporally, variation of groundwater level is not significant; (3) The groundwater level has gradually descended from initial stage of simulation in the study area due to decrease of runoff form the middle reaches of Heihe River. However, the Chinese Government initiated the environmental restoration project in the Heihe River basin in 2000 with water diversions from the Zhengyi gorge reservoir to the lower reaches. From 2000 to 2002 there were 6.8 × 10^8 m3 each year has been releases to the lower reaches. The groundwater level has thus risen from 2002. However, the trend of ground level change was different in different parts. The ground level has mounted up in the upper and lower parts of the study area, but dropped in the middle part.